Lower limbs and
thermal imaging

Infrared thermology is a powerful detector of problems that affect a patient’s physiology.
Jones BF. A reappraisal of the use of infrared thermal image analysis in medicine. IEEE Trans Med Imaging. 1998 Dec;17(6):1019-27. doi: 10.1109/42.746635. PMID: 10048859.

Case examples of thermographic use​

Thermidas provides revolutionary, non-contact, non-invasive, physiological diagnostic tools utilizing thermography to identify and diagnose underlying pathology quickly and reliably at earlier stages than currently adopted methods.

Case example

Broken / operated Achilles tendon

  • First thermal image taken eight hours after Orthosis was removed
  • Second image taken six weeks later

Case example

Stress fracture

  • The patient felt pain on the left foot
  • Thermal imaging revealed a substantial asymmerty in the temperature
  • Later a stress fracture was diagnosed

Case example

Insoles' effectiveness

  • First meeting with the patient due to pain in the knee area
  • Thermal imaging revealed abnormal temperatures and helped locate the problem areas
  • Custom-made insoles were made
  • Follow-up thermal images taken to evaluate the effectiveness of the insoles
  • The situation had calmed down and the patient was able to perform normal daily activities

Case example


  • First meeting with the patient due to pain in the knee area
  • Thermal imaging revealed abnormal temperatures and helped locate the problem areas
  • Tailor-made insoles were made
  • Follow-up thermal images taken to evaluate the effectiveness of the insoles
  • The situation had calmed down and the patient was able to perform normal daily activities

IRT-384 Tablet

Thermidas IRT-384 Tablet is an all-in-one mobile solution for thermal imaging. It quickly highlights temperature differences, allowing intuitive, instant analysis.

FDA Cleared
CE Certified


The first medical CE-approved Infrared Thermal Imaging application in the world.

A thermal imaging workstation for hospitals, clinics, and surgery rooms.

FDA Cleared


Easy-to-use thermal imaging solutions for daily monitoring at home. Includes the devices and software for transferring the images to medical professionals.

In development.

How can we help you?